Lake Farmpark
Friday, October 12, 2018 4:30 - 10pm
Be part of the fun as actors for the Haunted Hayrides!
Costumes and Makeup Provided by Lake Farmpark. We always need adult chaperones, if you are able to stay and help, complete the chaperone area on the registration form.
Permission slips and medical consent/release forms (below) are required to participate in this event. Space is limited! Please turn your forms in early. Note: All participants must be 12 or older.
Registration deadline is Friday, October 5, 2018
2018 Lake Farmpark Registration Form
Lake Metroparks Volunteer Application
Volunteer Agreement
OLL Liability Release and Consent Form
One size does not always fit all so...whether you need service hours or just like to volunteer, we offer a wide variety of opportunities at Nursing Homes, Lake Farmpark, The Euclid Adult Activity Center, East 200 Street Stroll and more! Keep an eye on this site for a volunteer activity that is your size and VOLUNTEER!