Strong Communities have Strong Schools! Support Our School!

Each year, Our Lady of the Lake School hosts a fantastic fundraiser that helps support technology and enrichment programs for all of its students. Over the years, this event has helped pay for iPads and Chromebooks for every student, smartboards in every classroom, a state of the art computer lab, distance learning technology and much more.

Casino Night
February 8, 2025 at 5:30pm
Where: VASJ Gym
Price: $50 per person (Includes dinner and an open bar)
Chinese Raffle baskets and Banger Boards
Try your hand at casino games
Roulette, Craps, Let it Ride, War, Blackjack tables
**Table games are played for raffle tickets. No cash can be exchanged for chips.**
Sponsorship - Auction Items - Donations
Print Casino Night Ticket Form