Weekend Celebrations
Gathering to celebrate the Eucharist on a weekly basis is essential to the life and mission of the Church. As the Second Vatican Council states, this liturgy is the source and summit of all of the Church’s activity.
Click Here for the current Mass times at Our Lady of the Lake Parish.
Some things to note about these weekly celebrations:
(1) During some liturgical seasons and for some feasts, the schedule may vary. Although this occurs infrequently, it is a good idea to keep an eye on the Events section of this Website or the Church bulletin in order to note these variances.
(2) Infant Baptism is occasionally celebrated during weekend Masses. Most parishioners report finding this to be a joyful and meaningful experience. However, since this makes the Mass a little bit longer, we customarily announce the baptism in the bulletin of the previous weekend. We hope that you will always choose to worship with the family of the child to be baptized but understand that schedule considerations may make this impossible.
(3) Twice a year the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is celebrated during all the weekend Masses. Notice of these celebrations appears in the bulletin of the preceding weekend.
Daily Eucharist
Monday through Thursday the Eucharist is celebrated daily at 9:00 am. If a funeral should happen to occur Monday thru Thursday, the daily Eucharist is normally cancelled, and parishioners are encouraged to attend and participate in the Funeral Mass to pray for the deceased and his/her family.
Typically, during the school year, the Tuesday daily Mass is celebrated at Villa Angela-St. Joseph (VASJ) High School at 8:45am in the school chapel when school is in session. If it is an all-school Mass, it begins at 9am and is held in the school Gym.
Holy Days
Holy Days of Obligation occur several times throughout the course of the liturgical year. More often than not these celebrations occur on weekdays. There is no fixed schedule for these celebrations, but the most common schedule is:
Vigil (day before): 5 pm
Holy Day (actual day): 9 am, 7 pm
Singing and Participation
To assist you in singing and participating fully in the Liturgy, there are two hymnals located beneath the seat directly in front of you. Numbers for the hymns are posted on the hymn boards on the East and West walls of the church. If a G precedes the number (e.g., G219), this hymn can be found in the Gather Hymnal (which also happens to be Gray). A number not preceded by the G indicates that the song is found in the Journeysongs Hymnal.